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The Witcher: Ties of Destiny

Hack & Slash, multiplayer co-op.

With a team of 8 people, this was my first " big" group project during 2nd year of my degree. We developed a 4 player battle-royale, each character having a special attack and an ultimate ability. The game was developed using C++ and Tiled. 

This game was really fun to play and often classmates from other teams would come to the playtesting sessions to have a good time.

My Role:

I started with the QA role in the team but I had to step up as the main artist pretty soon out of necessity as well as  a designer for the map and some other features.


Pixel Art Animations: Character animations, Particles animations and UI animations were done/edited by me.

Map Tileset and Level Design: Made the themed Tilesets from scratch and designed the map through multiple iterations, also configured the automap feature from Tiled that allowed me to iterate the level much faster.

UI/UX: Designed and made the UI of the different menus.

QA: Directed the playtesting sessions through the iterations of the game.

Taking the artist role during this project was pleasing and I was proud of how the game ended up looking.


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