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Road Builder Strategy Game

This project was made by a team of 5 people, during the 5th edition of the CITM GAME JAM (a span of 4 days).

As the player, you have to supply all the people in Terrassa by creating roads between factories and the different houses that will spawn across the whole map, if the factories reach max capacity for an extended period of time, you will lose the game. The game was developed using Unity.

Heavily inspired by "Mini Motorways".

We received the "Best Technology" award. 

My Role:

I was one of the two Designers although being a small team I also worked as a Programmer and (Level) Artist.

Since we took "Mini Morways" as a reference, the basic game mechanics were already pre-stablished.


Map/Level: Designed the level adapting the real world map to our tile/grid version.

Grid/Tiles System: Simplifying the "Mini Motorways" mechanics and features so development would be much faster/easier. Ex: Factory spawns and bridges were pre-designed.

Day/Night Cycle: Adding lights to the roads and cars during the night gave the game a better feeling

My tasks in the project were of significant importance and very tied to the gameplay experience. The camera design and programming awakened an interest in me that heavily influenced my degree final project.


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